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New grant funding will support management of the LaVilla Transit Innovation and Equity Project, an effort to revitalize key transportation assets by transforming existing facilities into a cohesive, multifunctional transit hub in downtown Jacksonville. Specifically, the City of Jacksonville will explore restoring the Prime Osborn as the central rail station that it has served in the past, and nearby transit-oriented development options that bring new passenger rail connections to Jacksonville.

The project focuses on integrating various transportation modes, enhancing intermodal connectivity, and improving community accessibility. The strategic goal is to enhance the existing infrastructure to support economic development, reduce carbon emissions and provide equitable transit solutions, leveraging the area’s rich historical context and strategic geographic location. (Excerpt 9/27/24 from The Jaxson – Editorial by E Davis)

INVESTING IN AMERICA: Biden-Harris Administration Continues Action to Increase Housing Production, Support Transit-Oriented Development, Explore Innovative Ideas for Creating Public Value from Underutilized Properties

“Today’s announcement is what the Investing in America Agenda is all about,” said Acting Undersecretary of Transportation for Policy Christopher Coes. “Not only will this funding lead to greater access, opportunity, and economic growth through good transportation infrastructure, but it will catalyze the development of safe, affordable housing in communities across the country. 

“This is a transformative program that is focused on unlocking value from underutilized assets,” said Build America Bureau Executive Director Morteza Farajian. “The goal of this innovative program is to facilitate partnerships between private and public entities to deliver community benefits in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. The selected recipients represent a wide range of projects that are good candidates for public-private partnerships.” 

Beginning November 9th, Amtrak is temporarily combining the Capitol Limited and Silver Star trains to create the Floridian, which will run between Chicago and Miami via Washington, DC. When you search Google for flights, oogle will show you that the trip takes about five hours to drive. Underneath that map, Google now shares information for making the same journey by train via Amtrak, which takes about four hours, including details on Amtrak train schedules. Frequent travelers have can budget for more affordable and convenient options while travelinbg the East Coast.

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